Extraordinary Faculty
At Holy Spirit Preparatory School, we have a faithful and dedicated faculty who, seeking to live out our school motto, Ministrare non Ministrari, serve our students as formators and mentors, guiding them to intellectual excellence and personal holiness, and leading them by example. Our faculty take seriously the observation of Pope Pius XI that, “Perfect schools are the result not so much of good methods as of good teachers, teachers who are thoroughly prepared and well-grounded in the matter they have to teach; who possess the intellectual and moral qualifications required by their important office; who cherish a pure and holy love for the youths confided to them, because they love Jesus Christ and His Church, of which these are the children of predilection; and who have therefore sincerely at heart the true good of family and country.” – Divini Illius Magistri, 88.
The “Portrait of a Teacher” expresses our expectation for every educator at Holy Spirit Prep.
Portrait of an HSP Teacher
At Holy Spirit Prep, we are committed to providing students and their families with teachers who:
Embrace and live the teachings of the Catholic faith;
Pray daily, attend Mass faithfully, and contemplate the beauty of Creation;
Emulate the person of Jesus Christ, our model of an ideal Catholic school teacher;
Model the virtues we seek to develop in all of our students;
Instruct our students according to the best practices of Catholic education;
Demonstrate genuine love for our students, their parents, and colleagues in every interaction;
Build relationships founded on mutual trust, respect, and goodwill;
See every interaction with our students as a valuable moment for teaching;
Cherish our students for their unique personalities and talents;
Craft inspiring lessons that encourage learning as an inherently good, life-long endeavor;
Present the Truth as objective, knowable, and a gift from God;
Challenge and support our students to make the most of their God-given potential;
Welcome partnership with parents, who are the primary educators of their children;
Achieve courteous, proactive communication with our students, their parents, and colleagues;
Utilize available technology purposefully to enhance our students’ interest and learning;
Exhibit intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm across all disciplines of study;
Strive always to develop professionally and to improve their mastery as teachers;
Embrace opportunities to coach sports, sponsor clubs, and lead service apostolates;
Encourage students through their presence at athletics and arts events;
Maintain an interest in being of service to their students long after graduation day;
Pray that God’s will be done in the life of every student they have taught;
- Aspire to be saints themselves who in turn inspire students to a life of communion with God and their loved ones.
Our Faculty & Staff

Questions? Contact each department directly:
Lower Schoollowerschool@madorders.com
Middle Schoolmiddleschool@madorders.com
High Schoolhighschool@madorders.com
Arts Departmentarts@madorders.com
Athletics Departmentathletics@madorders.com
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Join Our Team
Holy Spirit Preparatory School is an independent Catholic college preparatory school in Atlanta, Georgia. We prioritize educating the whole child to be successful not only in future studies, but also in his or her unique vocation. Join us in building a culture of life and happiness to share the gift of Catholic education!